Calculations and Example

Example calculations for HODL Scores.

Calculating Daily Personal & Invite Bonus

The following is an example calculation of your daily personal and invite HODL scores.

First, let’s calculate Alice’s personal score. Assume Alice deposits 5 BTC into Mezo and selects a 9-month lock-up, maximizing her rewards with a 16x multiplier.

5 BTC × 1,000 points per BTC per day x 16 (multiplier for 9 months) = 80,000

Alice's personal score = 80,000 per day

Children Bonus

Now we’ll calculate Alice’s invite bonus score. She invites Bob, who deposits 2 BTC with a 9-month lock-up. For simplicity, assume her 4 other children make the same deposit as Bob.

2 BTC x 1,000 points per BTC per day x 16 (multiplier for 9 months) X 5 invites = 160,000 per day

Sum of Alice's children's scores: 160,000 per day

Alice's bonus from children: 21% x 160,000 = 33,600 per day

Grandchildren Bonus

Alice will also receive 9% of the sum of her children's (Bob + 4 friends) invites (25 friends). Again, for simplicity, assume all 25 friends deposit 2 BTC with a 9-month lock-up.

2 BTC x 1,000 points per BTC per day x 16 (multiplier for 9 months) X 25 invites = 800,000 per day

Sum of Alice's grandchildren's scores = 800,000 per day

Alice's bonus from grandchildren: 9% X 800,000 = 72,000 per day

Total HODL Score Calculation

Alice's total score = Alice's personal score + Alice's children's bonus + Alice's grandchildren's bonus

Alice's total daily score = 80,000 + 33,600 + 72,000

Alice's total daily HODL score = 185,600

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