mats for Stablecoins

Below are mats calculations for stablecoin deposits: DAI, USDe, crvUSD, thUSD, USDT, and USDC

Base Score

Stables have a fixed daily output of mats. Every 1,000 units of stablecoins earn 12.5 mats per day.

Lock-Up Multiplier

Longer lock-up periods give a mats multiplier (just like BTC deposits):

Lock-up period (months)Multiplier







Example: crvUSD

Let's calculate Alice's daily mats from her stablecoin and BTC deposits. Assume Alice deposits 2 BTC and $20,000 crvUSD into Mezo.

Stablecoin Calculation

  • Every 1,000 units of crvUSD earn 12.5 mats/day

  • crvUSD deposited: $20,000

  • Daily mats from crvUSD: 20 x 12.5 x 16x multiplier = 4,000

BTC Calculation

  • Each BTC earns 1,000 mats/day

  • BTC deposited: 2 BTC

  • Daily mats from BTC: 1,000 x 2 BTC x 16x multiplier = 32,000

Total Calculation

  • BTC-backed stable boosts daily BTC mats by up to 100% of BTC score.

  • Alice will earn an additional 4,000 on her BTC mats, bringing her daily mats to 36,000.

Final Daily Score: 32,000 from BTC + 4,000 from BTC boost + 4,000 from stables = 40,000 mats

Last updated


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