HODL Score

The HODL Score accrues based on the value of locked deposits and the lock-up duration, with a multiplier applied to longer lock-up periods.


Assets: BTC, tBTC, wBTC

Base Score: 1,000 points per Bitcoin locked per day.

Lock-Up Multiplier: Longer lock-up periods give a HODL score multiplier:

Bitcoin-Backed Stablecoins

Assets: crvUSD, thUSD, USDe

Base Score: 1,000 points per 80k USD per day.

Lock-Up Multiplier: The same lock-up multipliers apply for stable deposits

BTC Bonus: Daily scores from Bitcoin-backed stables are applied to boost your daily BTC score. The boost can be up to 100% of your score from BTC deposits.

Currently, the BTC score boost is only available for accounts that have deposited tBTC or wBTC.

Last updated